(a short overview in images) This page gives only a quick idea about the richness and the profoundness of the philately, as related to SNA and to its neighboring regions. Complete studies, covering each territory, its history, its relationship with the SNA, the different overprints, etc., will represent the best sources on this yet insufficiently researched, but continually growing domain.
The above stamps and the below sheet appeared in 1931, 1992 and 1937 respectively. Please notice the variety of forms, designs and overprints.
Issued starting by 1900. Attention SNA collectors, how many of yours have ever seen the stamp shown here?
From classics to modern ones. Mr. Tolkien, the imagination in its highest form, has for sure deserved a SNA sheet. The above stamps represent a testimony of the imagination of certain participants at the newsgroup rec.collecting.stamps discuss. Unfortunately, the name of the anonym creators were lost. Those who can recognize their creations are asked to let them know to the webmaster. TIA. Note: This site is non-commercial and is intended for presentation and research purposes only. For this reasons please don't order stamps!
11/17/01. Revised:
01/07/06. |