We have got recently an e-mail from Mr. Jaume Balsells, a collector of Spanish stamps and a webmaster. It is very interesting to find out again and again how the same causes provoke the same effects. Here is what he wrote:

     "It is curious how we, collectors, have found similar ways to express our disagreement with the current  stamp-issuing policies of some countries. In our case (the users of the Spanish philatelic chat board), it all started as a protest against the modern issues of Spain; ugly designs, high face values, and stamps not distributed to post offices, actually, pretty much non-existent outside the philatelic community.

    So we created our own perfect stamp issuing authority, similar to SNA, that we called POSTA TALIBANA. Although we are not so well organized in terms of our website, we actually have gone one step further and have used our stamps on our regular mail. First from Spain, then from other countries, USA, UN, Italy, Norway, Greece...

   Now that you know all the story, and since SNA and POSTA TALIBANA have so much in common, I think it would be a good idea to prepare a joint issue between the two countries. Let me know what you think about it and if you have any ideas about a good subject for a joint issue."

     Consequently, we have made a  concrete proposal to Jaume, and we have invited him to improve the design of the first version of the above miniature sheet . The sheet is the result of the common work of the SNA and the TALIBAN POST designers, and it shows the entry pages of the Taliban Post site and of the present one.

    The miniature sheet was launched simultaneously on the 19th of June 2003 by the POSTA TALIBANA and by the SNAPO. It was printed at the Courvoisier SNA Security Printing Office, at Ciudad de Leon. The print run was of 10,000 pieces only. The miniature sheet can be found at any serious philatelic shops.

    Finally, just to notice that there is no relationship between the POSTA TALIBANA and the Afghan Taliban.

    Please take a look also at the miniature sheet that was sent on cover, and that was regularly cancelled by the US Post, a postal authority that recognizes both the SNAPO and the Posta Talibana.


  • On the Taliban Post site (look for Primera emision conjunta con SNA)

  • Posting on the Spanish philatelic forum


Emisión conjunta de Posta Talibana

y SNA (África del Norte Española)

    No deja de ser curioso como, aun sin conocernos, los coleccionistas filatélicos hemos encontrado formas similares de expresar nuestra disconformidad con las políticas emisoras de algunos países. En nuestro caso (los usuarios del Ágora de filatelia), todo empezó como una protesta contra las emisiones modernas de Correos de España; diseños horrendos, valores faciales elevados y escasa distribución de los sellos a las oficinas de Correos. Más concretamente, los sellos en España son prácticamente inexistentes fuera de la comunidad filatélica.

    Debido a estas causas y con espíritu un tanto rebelde, surgió nuestra entidad emisora perfecta, similar a SNA, que llamamos POSTA TALIBANA. Aunque nuestra página en Internet no está tan elaborada como la de SNA, los usuarios de la Posta Talibana hemos ido un poco más lejos en nuestra protesta, usando los sellos que hemos creado como franqueo para el correo. Primero desde España, y posteriormente desde otros países, Estados Unidos, Naciones Unidas, Italia, Noruega, Grecia…

    Así que, dado que la POSTA TALIBANA y el SNA tenemos tanto en común, ambas autoridades decidimos que había llegado el momento de preparar una emisión conjunta, que presentamos en esta página.

    La hoja bloque que presentamos es el resultado del trabajo conjunto de ambas entidades emisoras, SNA y Posta Talibana, y muestra las páginas de entrada tanto de SNA como de Posta Talibana.

   La página de Posta Talibana:
   El Ágora de filatelia:


Created: 06/13/03. Revised: 01/07/06
Copyright © 2003 - 2004 by Victor Manta, Switzerland
and by Jaume Balsells, USA
All rights reserved worldwide.

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