The work of art shown below belongs to the most important of the Old Empire. It was found in the grave of the Prince Rahotep (Sun Adorer), and it displays the prince and his wife Nofret (The Beautiful or The Good). They  belong to the early 4th Dynasty, about 2613-2494 BC. The statue, having a height of 1.20 m, is property of the National Museum in Cairo, Egypt.

The SNAPO has issued the above sheet in collaboration with the Egyptian PA, on 13th of October 2002. It is dedicated to the equality of genders, as stipulated by Art. 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ("Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedom set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status"...).

See below the stamps issued by the UN in 1989, and dedicated to the Art. 2 of the Declaration. They feature V. Kandinsky's work "Study for 'Composition II'", whose significance is less obvious than that of the sheet presented above by the SNA.

The SNA sheet can be found in all good philatelic businesses worldwide. Print run: 1,000,000 pieces.


Created: 11/13/02. Revised: 01/07/06
Copyright © 2002 by SNA & by Victor Manta, Switzerland.
 All rights reserved worldwide.

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